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2008-07-05 - 6:28 p.m.

Happy Secession Day, as we call it. We call it that because it is ironic that the United States declared independence from England, but when we Southerners wanted to declare independence from the United States, they wanted to war over it. That's why we call it the War of Northern Aggression. It took me a while to understand what irony is even after Dad explained it.

I couldn't write last night because we went to the Peach Festival to celebrate the freedom of the United States of America. We only went in the evening to get peach ice cream and watch the fireworks show. On the way it rained so hard we could barely see the car in front of us. George was starting to get so disappointed that he asked Mom to pray with him to ask the Lord to help. When we got to the festival, it was only drizzling and by the time we got a basket of peaches and ice cream, it had stopped. We played on the playground until it was dark and then the fireworks started.

We were very close to where they set the fireworks off and the booms were so loud that I felt like a cannon ball hit me right in the heart. We also got showered with debris and James was hit with a big piece of shrapnel. Mom said the show was nearly as good as the Boston Pops show!

When we got home 1776 was on TV. My parents and "the big four" saw it live at the Koger Center. I've never been to a live musical. Mom's dream is to take us all to New York to see a Broadway show. I hope it comes true.

Mom signed George and me up for All American Sports camp. James and Spencer are going to football camp. Richard is taking gymnastics. Will and Sarah Grace are taking ballroom dance classes. Will might take sailing lessons. Dad called Mom "Etheline" while she was telling us what she had signed us up for. Remember the scene when Etheline Tenenbaum is signing Richie, Margot, and Chas up for activities?

Yesterday we had barbecued ribs, green beans, and rice. Today we ate the watermelon.


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