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2008-06-09 - 5:22 p.m.

Mom has been bribing me with coffee so I will get up with the sun. It's been triple digits here so we've had to get up at 5:00am to clean the animal pens. Mom knows I love Starbucks, but I'm only allowed to have it on special occasions. I guess shoveling manure is a special occasion now.

We watched "Amazing Grace" yesterday when it was too hot to go outside. It is a movie about a man named William Wilberforce who was an abolitionist in England. It was during the time of the French Revolution but it was in England.

I don't know much about the French Revolution except it was the French against the French and the king and queen got their heads chopped off. I saw "Les Miserables," the movie, but I don't remember it. I got a mug from when Mom and Dad and the "Big Four" saw it live at the Koger Center. That's all I remember so Mom said she'll get the movie. The book is probably too hard for me.

"Amazing Grace" was produced by the girl who plays Debra on "Everybody Loves Raymond."

William Wilberforce was friends with William Pitt. That is who Pittsburg is named for.

Anyway, Wilberforce ended slavery in England through politics rather than the bloody war in the South here in the United States. General Sherman was an evil man like Hitler.

Wilberforce was friends with a man who once was the captain of a slave ship. The man became a Christian and wrote the song "Amazing Grace." He was so happy God saved a wretch like him! You've got to see this movie. We TiVoed it.

Dad taught me a bird call. I make four fingers, stuff them between my thumb and pointer, put my thumbs together and blow. I can also flap my hand to make a quivering whistle. It can also sound like a train whistle.


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