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2006-10-09 - 8:00 p.m.

Dad was so excited to tell us that last month we saved $200 on our power bill. We set the thermostat at 78 degrees, turned off lights when no one was in the room, and soon we will have a total of 4 clotheslines to dry our clothes except for a few minutes in the dryer to get the wrinkles out and soften them up.

We are now saving over $1,000.00 a month since we started.

We were going to cut up some oak trees today for the fireplaces but we ran out of time. We are saving lots of money by making things ourselves like washer and dishwasher detergent and cleaners and all sorts of household products.

Dad wants to take us to Morocco or Peru. I'd like to be in a sandstorm because it could be thrilling.

Seriously, when we save money we get to take nice trips. If we go to Morocco, we have to learn Arabic or French. Dad said we should learn both. Mom needs to buy the curriculum for both. We already know Spanish for Peru and we did a fine job of communicating when we went to Mexico even though I only remember saying "si" and "hola".

We watched a great movie last night called "Sahara" with Penelope Cruz and Matthew McConaughey and that really funny guy called Steve Zahn. It was like an Indiana Jones movie, sorta. It is based on Clive Cussler books that Dad reads. There was a really sad part when somebody got killed but I don't want to spoil it in case you want to see it.

We had some delicious bread with lemon curd the other day but everything else has been ordinary like BLT sandwiches and fried chicken.


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