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2006-05-04 - 3:23 p.m.

Ever since I saw Zoolander, I can't help but keep making the Zoolander look "Blue Steel." I'm driving my mother crazy. "Blue Steel" is just like his other looks and that's what is funny about it. The movie makes fun of boy models. The look of "Blue Steel" is like puckering your lips up to kiss, and then sucking your cheeks in while squenching your eyes like sand is blowing in them.

My little brother, George, was sword fighting with my older brother, James, and George was walking backwards holding his one sword across the front of him while James was whacking it with his two swords. George kept walking backwards until he reached a big pile of wood with rusty nails in it, and then he fell on the pile of wood and got a gash in his head and a scrape on his side. Dad took him to the urgent care place and he got three staples in his head! I wish they could've just duct taped it or something because it looks like it really hurts with those staples in there, but he didn't cry! He didn't cry when he got his tetanus shot today either. He has to go back in a week for them to take the staples out.


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