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2005-04-20 - 7:16 p.m.

They picked a new pope. He's a false teacher so I don't know why everybody was so jollied up over it. They were all cheering and ringing bells and had white smoke coming out of a chimney and then they threw a flag or a carpet over the balcony with an "M", I think, and a cross on it. I liked his robe but with that pope hat it is a little too Mr. Fancy Pants.

We've been busy making our garden. We're planting squash and tomatoes and peppers and zucchini and all sorts of vegetables. Our blueberry bushes are blooming too.

Wattle and Daub came yesterday. They are Canada geese that come every year around Easter time. The older kids named them Wattle and Daub when they were studying the Middle Ages.

I've been clearing trees and brush for a barn for the new horses. I don't know why we are making it so huge. That's too much work! I've been using the clippers but not the chainsaw. I think I can work the bulldozer but they won't let me. They always say "NO"! I don't know why.

Daylight's aburnin', gotta get back to work!


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