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2007-08-09 - 9:52 p.m.

We're having a heat wave. That's why I'm up so late. During the day it is very hot (106 degrees) and it is too hot to play, even in the pool. We usually read and study and today we watched "The Three Musketeers", but with the humming of the fans we mostly siesta-ed. And that's why I'm up so late. I napped for hours in the big leather chair and it was nice and cool with the two ceiling fans blowing down on me. I didn't have a cover or a pillow but I slept like "an angel baby swaddled in a cocoon of cloud candy."

Tonight after supper Will played the piano for us. He played "Canon" for James and he played a song called "My Immortal" and also a song called "The Scientist." It was soothing music and it was also a little melancholy.

Mom read Dad part of a Spanish short story she read to us. It is called El Libro Talonario por Pedro Antonio de Alarcon. That means: The Stub-book by Pedro Antonio de Alarcon.

I loved this story. It brings great feelings to you. After she read it, I wanted to grow the finest pumpkins just like Tio Buscabeatas who loved and cared for his pumpkins like a father. You must read this short story. You will love it!

Mom's favorite story was The Power of the Blood by Miguel de Cervantes, but it was rated PG so only the older children heard that reading.

This inspiring book of short stories is called Cuentos Espanoles: Thirteen short stories by Cervantes, Unamuno, Borges and others in the original Spanish and a new, English translation Edited by Angel Flores. You can get it at

Today I chipped two teeth on George's head. His head hit my bottom jaw and rammed my mouth shut. I chipped one on top and one on the bottom. You can barely tell it.

Sometimes Mom forgets she put her beer in the ice box. When she opens it, it turns to ice before your eyes! My scientific mind wonders why it doesn't turn to ice before she opens it. She has no idea, and told me to ask my father.

I wonder what would happen if a girl ever read this journal and saw my pictures and fell in love with me. If you do, email me and we'll see how it goes. I'll tell you now that I'm going to get braces so I might look geeky for a while, just so you know.

One day I might be embarrassed by this, but that's how I roll!

Now, George (who is sitting next to me) is talking about what it will be like for him to get a date one day.

Now we're talking about being trampled by the ladies. We look over and there is a stampede of them heading for us. They are after James's blonde good looks, George's muscles, and my big dreamy eyes and tan.


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