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2005-12-11 - 6:19 p.m.

Hey Everybody! I'm back home from our trip!

I don't know where to start because we had ten days packed with sightseeing. There is no way I can tell in one entry everything because it would take too long.

I went on the Metro, buses, and taxis. The Metro was the most fun because it was fast and there were lots of people getting on and off really fast. Mom kept counting us over and over.

We went to the Air and Space Museum first and we got to ride the flight simulator and see an Imax movie. We also went to the planetarium.

We went to see the lighting of the Christmas tree at the White House but you had to stand outside in the cold for hours so we stayed in the van and rode around and saw it from the warm van. The traffic around the White House is called gridlock and it was very exciting. Nobody could move and lots of people were beeping their horns and fire engines were trying to get through and loud sirens were screaming and the city was decorated for Christmas all sparkly and it was kinda like I imagine New York City, except with shorter buildings. The Washington Monument is like that big pointy building in New York City, I bet. It was all very exhilarating.

I'm going with Dad to the office now because his new file cabinet was delivered. I'll write more later.


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